What europeans think about Portugal?
Portuguese Comrade
2008-01-29 06:59:10 UTC
Please tell me the likes and the dislikes!
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2008-01-30 14:31:41 UTC
I like going to Portugal whenever I can (from Spain).

I like Alentejo, specially, it feels calm, and I like the colors there.

The biker meeting in Faro is the best I ever went to (4 times already). Great organisation. Great club members, working all the time without getting tired or loosing their temper. Very friendly with everyone (and belive me, it is difficult at times). I do not think there is a better biker meeting in the world.

Lisboa: for me, Lisboa has two faces. There was a time I stayed at Lisboa every Sunday (working reasons). When I left the hotel, it took me time to get on one mood with the city. I found it dirty, stressing, smelling bad... after several hours, a meal and a glass wine, I grew into the harmony of this atlantic town, the air, the colours of houses, the color of the Chalkstone/basalt streets, the mood of people... I started feeling well.

People: I had good experiences and bad experiences. Most people were very friendly, very polite and thoughtful. Some were not. You know, like everywhere.

I like the food.

I will always go back.
2008-03-26 03:26:49 UTC
Unfortunately I have never been there, but I think the coast is for example very nice!
2008-01-30 06:14:46 UTC
I love Portugal and its people. I have been there twice. My ancestors and my father in law were portuguese. What I like: wine, food (açorda, sapateira, amêijoas, ham, the sausages), Lisbon, a lovely and beautiful city, the fado, the language (my mother language), the cream cakes from Belém and its tower, the beautiful Saint George castle and its marvellous eyesight, the large Tejo river, the castles in Sintra and Queluz, Óbidos, Oporto, Braga, Coimbra, Évora, Castelo de Vide, Marvão. I loved also the oceanary. It's simply wonderfull! I want to return there more times.

What I dislike: the heat in summer, especially in hinterland is almost unbearable.
Ingrid R
2008-01-29 16:53:23 UTC
My son likes Cristiano Ronaldo and the Portuguese Team!

I like the music, the food, the sea and the landscape, the azulejos, the coffeeshops...

From the portuguese I had the pleasure to get to know in my country (Germany), I had the impression that they are serious, a little sad and old fashioned people, but in a very nice way and with a big heart.
Djama B
2008-01-29 07:26:27 UTC
Portugal is a very nice Country and the People are very open and gentle and i live there for 6 years in Lisboa and i like it very mutch its saad taht i have to leave the Country .
2008-01-29 07:18:29 UTC
In fact I don't know much about Portugal only the things a friend of mine told me about this country.

Her grandmother is from Portugal and she often visits her.

The things my friend told me sounded all good. She told me that the people are very friendly and the landcape beautiful. And the food is great, my friend cooked something for me and it was really good!

My friend wants to take me with her the next time she flies.

(excuse my poor english!;-) )
2008-02-01 10:03:53 UTC
I have a a "chat-friend" in Portugal, we met in a music chatroom about 7 or 8 years ago, she seems to be a very openminded and crazy person (crazy in a good way), we also phone sometimes and she sends me postcards from beautiful places in Portugal (such as the Algarve Coast), the landscape seems to be fantastic. Not sure though what to think about Portugal as a country, what disappoints me badly is how bad the animals are treated there, when you look at what happens to the street dogs and cats, you could come to the idea that people in Portugal do not have any respect towards animals, of course there are exceptions, such as my friend who helps tortured creatures, but in general people don't seem to care, so honestly I would not spend my holidays in such a country, my pity for these poor animals is just too big. But it seems to be a problem in most of the southern European countries, so I would not spend my vacation in any of these countries (Spain, Greece etc.), I'd just go there to help in animal shelters if I could.

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